734000 L.E
57389 SAR
56202 AED
15292 $

Duplex ground villa with first An area of 240 meters Garden 36 meters total price 7,344,000

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • 240 square Ft
Arab Property
Arab Property
Marketing Officer
6783000 L.E
530336 SAR
519372 AED
141313 $

The shop is very special on the Plaza of the mall

موقع مميز محل محل أو معرض لشركة

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • 31متر و 9 متر مساحة خارجيه square Ft
Arab Property
Arab Property
Marketing Officer
30600000 L.E
2392494 SAR
2343032 AED
637500 $

Pharmacy area of 102 m

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • 102 م square Ft
Arab Property
Arab Property
Marketing Officer
20000 L.E
1564 SAR
1531 AED
417 $

A unique location for a shop or showroom for a company

A unique location for a shop or showroom for a company

  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • 105 square Ft
Best Property
Best Property
Marketing Officer
Arab Property
Arab Property
Marketing Officer